The main activity of SIA "V SERVICE" since 2007 has been road construction work, including paving.
The company employs qualified and experienced specialists who can ensure the quality and prompt execution of orders.
By cooperating with our company, clients receive a personalized approach and attitude. We offer collaboration on both small and large projects, with experience in paving everything from individual garden paths and yards to parking lots, large areas, and streets. Our clients include individual customers, companies, as well as state and municipal institutions.
In addition to paving work, we offer services such as asphalt work, lighting installation, fence and enclosure installation, landscaping, as well as territory management and maintenance.
By choosing paving, you will gain a beautiful and tidy environment, dry paths and yards, and a pleasant recreational area!
Write to us, and we will calculate the necessary amount of materials, prepare a cost estimate, and reach an agreement! Our representative will provide you with the most suitable cooperation offer.
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